How Self-Motivated Are You?

1.I’m unsure of my ability to achieve the goals I set for myself.
2.When working on my goals, I put in maximum effort and work even harder if I’ve suffered a setback.
3.I regularly set goals and objectives to achieve my vision for my life.
4.I think positively about setting goals and making sure my needs are met.
5.I use rewards (and consequences) to keep myself focused. For example, if I finish my report on time, I allow myself to take a coffee break.
6.I believe that if I work hard and apply my abilities and talents, I will be successful.
7.I worry about deadlines and getting things done, which causes stress and anxiety.
8.When an unexpected event threatens or jeopardizes my goal, I tend to walk away, set a different goal, and move in a new direction.
9.When I come up with a really good idea, I am surprised by my creativity. I figure it is my lucky day, and caution myself not to get used to the feeling.
10.I tend to do the minimum amount of work necessary to keep my boss and my team satisfied.
11.I tend to worry about why I won’t reach my goals, and I often focus on why something probably won’t work.
12.I create a vivid and powerful vision of my future success before embarking on a new goal.